Users | User Profiles

Creating & Managing Users & User Profiles



1. User Creation

2. User Management

User Profiles

1. User Profile Creation

2. User Profile Management

3. User Profile Assignments - Kanban Board


EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ > Admin > Users

User Creation

1. Select Add (+)

✪ Select ☰ to set Users as Techs in bulk

2. Enter / Update User Info: ( Username , Password, User Profile, Default City, First Name, Last Name, Email, Tech Group, Is Technician, Is Contractor)

Username- Create a Unique Username (Usernames cannot repeat

Password- Create a Temporary Password. Upon first login the user will update it to a new unique password (See Email for Password Resets)

Password Pre-requisite Settings:

EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ >  Admin > All City Options > Options > Security > Passwords

• Require Alpha Numeric

• Password Expirations

• Minimum Password Length

User Profile- Security Group applicable to the New User. 

Default City- Default Location / City of the User (will be applicable across all modules by default when logging in). See City Access

First Name- User's First Name

Last Name- User's Last Name

Email- User's Personal Work Email Address 

✪ Used for self-service password resets on login page

Tech Group- Optional | Add the User to a Technician Group (Config Lists)

EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ >  Admin > Lists > Main > Technician Groups

Is Technician- Toggle Switch On if the User will be conducting Technician Operations i.e. Adding real-time Service Labor Hours on WO Items

✪ Select ☰ to set Users as Techs in bulk from User List

Is Contractor- Toggle Switch On if the User is a Contractor and is not apart of your internal Technician personnel 

3. Select Add to Add an additional User or Select Add and Goto to Continue with User Management

User Management 

1. Account

• Important Information- See Above

• Work Orders- 


Is Technician (See Above)

Tech Group-

Tech Group Applicability (See Above)

Is On the Job Training (OJT)- 

Enroll the user into OJT tracking (service labor hours)


Tech's Specific Cost per service labor hour


Tech's Specific Retail price per service labor hour to customers

✪ You can set All City Fall Backs for when Specific Cost / Revenue isn't set

EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ >  Admin > All City Options > Work Orders > Billing


Default Currency (Config Lists)

EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ >  Admin > Lists > Main > Currency

• Purchase Orders-

P/O Approval- 

User is Authorized to Approve P/O's

Po Approval Amount- 

User is Authorized to Approve P/O's up to this dollar amount threshold

P/O Approval: Always Remove- 

User is Authorized to Edit other P/O approvals as a P/O Approval Admin

• Time Clock-

Disable Time Clock- 

Disable Time Clock Entries for User

Time Clock Login when EBIS Login- 

Time Clock Module / Clock-in page opens by default when the user logs in to EBIS

Regular Hrs. Worked Per Days- 

Hrs/Day Calculation Used to facilitate calculating Overtime

Start Time for Day- 

Used to as a Time Clock reset time when users forget to Clock Out the day Prior (Should be a few hrs before the normal time the shift begins)

End Time for Day-

Used to help signify their typical end of shift and can be used to auto clock out service Labor Hours on WO Items & the Overall Time Clock

Employee ID- 

Employee ID if Applicable

User Group- User Group if Applicable 

EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ >  Admin > Lists > Time Clock > User Groups

• Advanced

Is General Account- 

User is a general / shared account

Auto Log Off Timers at End of Day- 

EBIS 5 will Auto clock-out service labor hours on WO's and the Time Clock, within < 30 min of End Time for Day selection above

Show Outstanding Parts Count-

Show Outstanding Parts Count Shortcut in EBIS Header

Default to Max List Size- 

Default to Max List Display Size resulting in less pages of lists

Auto Logout Session (Minutes)- 

If inactive while logged in the system will auto log out the user after the specified amount of minutes

Outst. Parts City List-

Choose which cities  are applicable to the outstanding parts count

• Defaults


Select Language (English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Arabic)

Time Zone-

Select User's Time Zone (USA Time Zones)

Daylight Savings Time-

Choose Daylight Savings Time Type (USA / Western Europe)

Date Format- 

Choose Date Format (United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France)

Time Format- 

Choose Time Format (US, Europe)

Number Format- 

Choose Number Format (United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France)

Paper Size-

Choose Paper Size (US Letter / A4)

2. City Access


Choose default selections (Default City, Home City, Time Clock City, Default Stock Room)

✪ Cities must be available in below section to choose as defaults

✪ Home City selected allows reports to default to that city first instead of your default city



Choose which Cities the User has Access to

• (+) To Add Cities Additional Cities to List (Options i.e. Add All Cities, Add City, Add IBS, Add Region)

• Select Top Radio Checkbox to select All Cities or Individual City Checkboxes to Select Specific Cities to Edit / Remove in Batch

3. Access Levels

In this section you can review the Users Access Levels provided / managed by their User Profiles

4. Advanced Limits

Similar to configuring City Access above but for providing access to conduct specific Item Signoffs / or Access to Specific Work Centers that can fall within one or Multiple Cities.

Item Signoffs

EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ >  Admin > Lists > Work Orders > Item Signoffs

Work Center-

EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ >  Admin > Lists > Main > Work Center

5. Certifications

Review User's Certifications

6. Media

Add / Edit User Media (Photos / Documents)

7. Interactive History

Review User's Interactive Walkthrough Progress Tracker

8. Usage Edit History

Review User's Usage Edit History within the System

9. Edit History

Review User's Account Edit History their User Account

User Profiles

EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ > Admin > User Profiles

1. User Profiles - 5 Default / Generic User Profiles  (Profile Name / Description)

2. 2 Profile Types 

Advanced Access- Paid Advanced Profile Types

Tech Level- Free Limited Profile Types

3. Advanced Access User Seats Used vs Advanced Access User Seats Purchased

4. Add New User Profile

5. User Profile Management - Assignments


User Profile Creation

1. Select (+) Add

2. Enter (Profile Type, User Profile, Copy from User Profile) 

• Profile Type - Advanced Access (Paid) | Tech Level (Free)

• Name / Label the User Profile 

• Copy settings from an existing User Profile to use as a starting point

3.Select Add to add another User Profile , Select Add and Goto to Manage / Edit the User Profile

User Profile Management 

1. Access Levels - Permission Toggle Switches that fall within different section / module applicability (4-15)

2. Users - User List of Users with this User Profile

3. Edit History - Edit History of this User Profile

4. Section / Category of Permissions with # of permissions within that section

5. Toggle Switch to turn permission On / Off

6. User Profiles Bulk Edit Menu

Select the Menu Button to Bult Edit that Permission other User Profiles with the Radio Checkboxes then select Update

• Select Radio Checkbox next to User Profile - Check = Toggle On | No Check = Toggle Off

• Select Update once complete with edits

7. Permissions with Red Verbiage are not recommended to be toggled on for Admin / Super Admin Profiles

8. User Profile Menu Options

9. Update Permissions for this User Profile with settings from another profile

10. Rename the User Profile

11. Inactivate the User Profile

12. Delete the User Profile

13. Set to Industry - Reset the Profile to the default settings

14 Set from Industry Profile - Set the profile to one of the default profile baselines

15. Sort the User Profile by Last Edited Profile - Will show who edited & when


User Profile Assignments - Kanban Board

1. Select up to (5) User Profile to Manage Assignments (Users Applicable will populate below)

2. Filter Users by City

3. Filter by Activity (Active, Inactive, All , No Login Last 60 Days)

4. Drag Users from between User Profile Columns to assign users to user profiles

5. Select User- Icon to Inactivate Users


