Contract / Dealer Pricing & Vendor Discount Codes

Configuring Contract Pricing (PO & OTC) , Vendor Discount Codes (OTCs) & Dealer Pricing (WOs / OTCs)


      1. Contract Pricing | Purchasing

      2. Contract Pricing | OTC Sales

      3. Vendor Discount Codes / Dealer Pricing | OTC Sales

      4. Dealer Pricing | Work Orders


Contract Pricing | Purchasing

Contract Pricing User Profile Access Requirements

Access Level Subsection - Master Parts :

• Contract Pricing: Add Edit & Delete

• Contract Pricing: View

• Contract Pricing: Export


1. Create Contract(s) - 

EBIS 5 Path (Contract Pricing) : Config > Admin > Lists > Parts > Contract Pricing > (+)

• Add the Name & the Description of the Contract Pricing Agreement

2. Vendor Defaults (Optional)

• Within the Main Info of a Vendor's record under the Other subsection you can enable the Vendor to be identified as Has Contract Pricing turning on the toggle switch (This will by default remind/ prompt purchasers to input Contract Pricing Details upon PO Creation)

3. Configure Master Parts Record(s)  (Required)

• Within the Contract Pricing section of the Master Parts record of the applicable part add the Contract's parameters : Contract, Start Date, End Date, Min Qty, Max Qty, Cost, Price Each, City (optional)


You can also choose to create additional parameters within this contract (i.e.different qty ranges and dates) by selecting the radio checkbox next to a line then copying it to create the new lines more efficiently. As well as delete any lines selected in bulk.

4. Create Purchase Order(s)

• Within the Purchase Order Module select Create from the sidebar and choose the Vendor. If you enabled "Has Contract Pricing"  for that Vendor by default, under the Create Purchase Order section you will be prompted with some additional field to fill out (Contract, CLIN (optional), Contract Pricing Date), and then select Create Purchase Order (+)


• The Contract Pricing Date you select must fall within the range of the contract parameters within the Master Parts record

• The CLIN (Contract Line Item Number) field is optional and can be used to track contracts with finer detail. There is an OTC only applicable City setting to Track CLIN per Part Number that will enforce tracking CLINs within OTC Sales. Additionally you may also use the Track Line Numbers setting to "Sort By Line No"

Continue with adding the parts you wish to order from the Vendor, to include at least one part that qualifies for Contract Pricing. Ensure that you order a qty within the range required to receive the Contract Pricing (PO's refer to Contract Pricing Cost )

✪ The Contract Price for Part Cost & Part Retail will not show / update until you select Add and Close

✪ Within the PO window you've created it will reflect indicators that there is Contract Pricing enabled as well as the ability to refresh ↺ Contract Pricing with newly configured updates. You will see the price updates after adding the applicable Items within Items view of the PO as seen below

• Continue finishing the PO by Ordering / Receiving the Parts on the PO and you have successfully configured Contract Pricing for ordering purposes!


Whether a Vendor is flagged as "Has Contract Pricing" or not, You can always update the Contract Pricing information within the Config & Info section of the PO (Contract No., Contract Pricing Date, Contract, and CLIN)

Contract Pricing | OTC Sales

See Access Requirements Here


First follow steps 1-3 above

1. Customer Defaults (Optional)

• Within the Billing Override section of a Customer record if you select Use Billing Override under the Enable Options subsection, then select which contract you want applied by default to the customer when creating an OTC by selecting it within the OTC Part Contract Pricing dropdown under the Parts subsection

Within the Billing Override section of a Customer record if you input the customers Contract No. under the Other subsection this will default as their contract on file for OTC Sales Invoices

2. Create OTC(s)


Contract Pricing Minimum Requirements

✪ The only requirements for Contract Pricing is first to be created within Lists and then be configured on the applicable Master Part records under Contract Pricing.

✪ Vendors / Customers do not have to have Contract Pricing preconfigured / defaulted to Apply Contract Pricing on OTC Sales Invoices or PO's. 

Within the OTC Module sele ct Create under the Invoices section, select the Customer you would like to sell to and select Create OTC Invoice (+)

Once created If the Customer selected has Contract Pricing defaulted within their Billing Override it will display in the OTC Header and will include the option to refresh ↺ Contract Pricing the same way it displays on POs. You can either proceed with adding Parts (+)  to the Parts list to sell or select Config & Billing to add / edit Contract Pricing.

Adding / Editing Contract Pricing information within the General and Billing sections of Config & Billing.

Under the Buyer Info subsection you can update/ edit Contract Pricing, CLIN, Contract No. & Contract Pricing Date

Under the Parts subsection of the Billing section you can update/ edit the OTC Part Contract Pricing

(+) Add a part(s) to the Parts section to sell that are applicable to the Contract Pricing (Qtys are important)

• Continue finalizing the OTC and you have successfully used Contract Pricing for OTC Sales!

Vendor Discount Codes / Dealer Pricing | OTC Sales

Dealer Pricing User Profile Access Requirements 

Access Level Subsection - Vendor

• Discount Codes: Add, Edit, & Delete

• Discount Codes: View

All City Options

Master Parts Subsection - Options

• Discount Codes: Enable

• Discount Codes: Fallback Percentage

• Discount Codes: Minimum Percentage for
Valid Discount Codes


1. Configure Vendor (Required for Discount Codes Only)

• Within the Main Info of a Vendor's record under the Other subsection you must enable the Vendor to be identified as Is Supplier by turning on the toggle switch 

• Within the Discount Codes section of a Vendor's record you must select the (+) Add button to define the applicable Discount Codes

Inputs (Discount Code (Alphanumeric Designation) , Markup % (Standard), Markup Level 1 %, Markup Level 2 %, Markup Level 3 %)

✪ The Markup Calculation method has the Markup Formula enabled by default unless you have turned it off in All City settings then the Markup Calculation is a simple Cost + % of Cost Calculation. See here

2. Configure Master Parts  (Required for Dealer Pricing & Vendor Discount Codes)

Vendor Discount Codes Requirements

• Within the Main Info of a Master Parts' record under the Important Information subsection you must enter the Vendor you configured as a Supplier within the Supplier field.

• Within the Main Info of a Master Parts' record under the Pricing subsection you must (for Vendor Discount Codes) transcribe the applicable Discount Code that the Supplier has been configured with. 

This will enable the Discount Code's Markup % (Standard) by Default for Customers who purchase this part and have Dealer Pricing enabled.

Dealer Pricing Requirements


If Discount Codes are enabled within All City Options the Dealer Percent field will not be used and you must configure Discount Codes

• Within the Main Info of a Master Parts' record under the Pricing subsection you must (for Dealer Pricing) enter in the applicable Dealer Markup Percentage (If using Dealer Pricing only, remove Discount Code)

3. Customer Defaults (Optional)

• Within the Billing Override section of a Customer record if you select Use Billing Override under the Enable Options subsection, then enable Use Parts Dealer Pricing with the toggle switch & choose from the OTC Parts Discount Level dropdown menu which discount level gets applied to them within OTCs by default.

OTC Parts Discount Level is not needed if Dealer Pricing is being used only and Discount Codes are not enabled

4. Create OTC

Within the OTC Module select Create under the Invoices section, select the Customer you would like to sell to and select Create OTC Invoice (+)

Once Created within the Billing section of Config & Billing  you can either verify that the Customer selected has Use Parts Dealer Pricing toggled on and which OTC Parts Discount Level they have preselected or you can Add / Edit those settings. 

OTC Parts Discount Level is not needed if Dealer Pricing is being used without Discount Codes

• Add parts to the OTC that are Discount Code applicable

✪ Discount Codes & Dealer Pricing aren't Qty specific like Contract Pricing Agreements

• Continue finalizing the OTC Sale and you have successfully used Vendor Discount Codes / Dealer Pricing for OTC Sales!

Dealer Pricing | Work Orders

See requirements here


1. Configure Master Parts (Required)

• Within the Main Info of a Master Parts' record under the Pricing subsection you must enter in the applicable Dealer Markup Percentage

2. Customer Defaults (Optional)

• Within the Billing Override section of a Customer record if you select Use Billing Override under the Enable Options subsection, then enable Use Parts Dealer Pricing. This will enable Dealer Pricing by Default on Work Orders.

3. Work Orders

• Within the Config & Billing Section you can verify that Use Parts Dealer Pricing is active or turn it on manually.

• When adding parts to items, parts with Dealer Percentage set in their Master Parts' record will have the markup applied automatically.