W/O Completion Dates (Cheatsheet)

Understand how the work order has the "completed date" set

Always ask for completion date (City Option)

If enabled, EBIS will always prompt the user for the completion date when changing the status type from Open to Completed/Void.  If the user re-opens a work order and marks it completed again, the user will be re-prompted for the date.  Note that this does not validate the date entered.

Use invoice date as completed date (All City Option)

If enabled, EBIS will use the invoice date for the completed date.  The invoice date is specified in the W/O itself > Config & Billing sidebar > General tab.  If no date is specified, the standard process (see below) will be used.  Note that the city option "Always ask for completed date" takes precedence over this option.

Standard Process

If there is no override date (see above), and if a work order was previously completed and the user selects to use the previous completed info, this will be used.  Otherwise, the date used will be the current date, based on the user's current time zone preferences.


The completion date along with the invoice date will appear on various W/O totals & profitability reports.  Please use the proper date, based on your companies' processes.