It's time to go live! Here's some information about moving your basic sandbox configuration data over to your new production instance.
You've been playing in the EBIS 5 sandbox and now it's time to go live. You may have edited some of your configuration and want to move it over to your production instance. While we do not do a direct migration from sandbox to live, here are some ways to get the big items over.
User Profiles
We can move user profiles from your sandbox to live - there is a button in the main Config > Users screen to help do this. From here, you can save your existing profiles to the clipboard, go to your live instance, and use this button to import these profiles in. These will act as an add or update - it will update existing profiles, or add new ones.
City & All City Options
We do not migrate any city/all city options from the sandbox to live, however, you can view any options that you changed. These will appear at the top, making it easy to compare to the live version and edit accordingly.
Configuration Lists
If you did edit any Config > Lists that you want, you can view the edits from the “View Edit History” icon.