Part 3.2 of 4: A step-by-step guide on creating Config Profiles that will send OTC info to QBO.
Parts 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 will be the most technical QuickBooks Online article of the series. If you have detailed questions on configuring how data will flow from EBIS to QBO, you will likely find it here.
To summarize the article below:
- EBIS connects to QBO by connecting to QBO's Products & Services functionality.
- The way to set this up within EBIS is to create a Config Profile.
- Config Profiles allow you to send EBIS Invoices and PO Subtotals to specific Products & Services within QBO.
Note: If you want an in-depth explanation of how the integration works, check out the "How does the integration actually work?" video on the QuickBooks Online - Getting Started article.
(Jump to Section)
Access Requirements: User must have an Advanced Access User account to create Config Profiles used with the QBO Integration in EBIS.
Step-by-step video walkthrough to set up Config Profiles and explanation of fields.
This video will walk you through the process of:
- Creating a new Config Profile.
- Setting Config Profiles as Defaults.
- Mapping EBIS Line Item Classifications to QBO's Products & Services.
- How different toggles/settings impact EBIS to QBO mapping.
Note: If you want an in-depth explanation of how the integration works, check out the "How does the integration actually work?" video on the QuickBooks Online - Getting Started article.
Config Profiles: What are they and why are they important?
A Config Profile is a group of configuration settings that tell EBIS how to map/represent the data sent over from EBIS to QuickBooks. This is where the details of the integration are configured.
The Work Order, OTC and Purchase Order modules all require at least one Config Profile to be created prior to syncing.
When the QBO integration is enabled, any new Work Orders, OTCs and Purchase Orders will have the Default Config Profile applied to them. This can be found and edited under the Config & Billing tab of the Work Order, OTC or Purchase Order.
Each module has different settings for Config Profiles. This article will outline the Work Order Config Profile settings in detail below.
Note: If only one Config Profile is created for each module, that profile will automatically be assigned as the default for each record.
If multiple Config Profiles are created for each module, the first profile created will be assigned as the default unless manually updated.
We will cover Setting a Default Config Profile later in this article.
OTCs: Setting up a QuickBooks Config Profile
Step 1: Create an OTC Config Profile
To create a Config Profile for the OTC module in EBIS:
- Go to Config
> QuickBooks Config > OTC tab.
- Click the + in the top right of the Configure QuickBooks section and Add Config Profile.
- Enter a name and hit Add. To copy from another Config Profile, use the Copy Profile From dropdown and select your Config Profile template.
Step 2: Connect EBIS to QBO Products & Services by using the QB Item Configuration screen.
Note: EBIS will send OTC Invoice Subtotals, like the Total Parts amount or Shipping Out amount, into a QBO Invoice by connecting the EBIS Line Item Classification to the Products & Services Items within QBO.
Note: This step depends on whether or not you are currently using the QBO Products & Services items. You will see two options below.
(Option 1) If you are not currently using QBO Products & Services:
- Go to Config > QuickBooks Config > OTC Tab.
- Click into an OTC Config Profile.
- Go to the Main section and click on the blue QB Item Configuration button.
- You will notice most or all dropdowns in the Product/Service column have a blue border and the Expense and Income Accounts are greyed out. This means EBIS does not currently find any QBO Products & Services with this exact name to connect to (see screenshot below).
- In the top left of the screen, click the blue Push button. This automatically creates the relevant Products & Services items within QBO. If the connection worked, you will see the blue outline disappear around the Product/Service dropdown, and the Expense and Income Accounts will populate with the info found within the QBO Products & Services item. You will also get this confirmation: "Product/Services and their respective accounts and taxability have been pushed to your QuickBooks account."
Tip: To verify the correct items have been created within QBO, visit the Products & Services tab within your QBO account.
(Option 2) If you are currently using QBO Products & Services and want to connect to existing QBO items:
- Go to Config > QuickBooks Config > OTC Tab.
- Click into an OTC Config Profile.
- Go to the Main section and click on the blue QB Item Configuration button.
- You will notice most or all dropdowns in the Product/Service column have a blue border and the Expense and Income Accounts are greyed out. This means EBIS does not currently find any QBO Products & Services with this exact name to connect to.
- Under the Product/Service column, click into one of the row's dropdowns and type the name of the QBO Product & Service you wish to connect this row to. The name must match the QBO Product & Service item exactly in order to connect.
- Hit Enter. If the connection worked, you will see the blue outline disappear around the Product/Service dropdown, and the Expense and Income Accounts will populate with the info found within the QBO Products & Services item. You will also get this confirmation: "Product/Service destination saved to EBIS."
- Repeat this process for all rows in this screen.
Note: The name of the QBO Product & Service item must match exactly with the name entered into the Product/Service field on the QB Item Configuration screen.
Your EBIS and QBO items are now fully synced. The next steps will focus on customizing the level of detail that comes through in the data.
Note: If you read these instructions and are still unsure, and want an in-depth explanation of how the integration works, check out the Step-by-Step Guide Video at the top of the page, as well as the "How does the integration actually work?" video on the QuickBooks Online - Getting Started article.
Step 3: Configure the information that will show up on QBO Invoices.
Use the Main and Options sections of the OTC Config Profile to determine how info is presented on QBO Invoices:
- QuickBooks Config > OTC Config Profile > Main.
- Set the name of the Config Profile using the Name field.
- Class: If using “Class Tracking” in QBO, all appropriate transactions can send over a particular class name to QuickBooks by entering that name here.
Next, go to:
- QuickBooks Config > OTC Config Profile > Options.
- To use the EBIS OTC number instead of a sequential QuickBooks invoice number, toggle on the Use OTC Number as Reference Number setting. If this setting is disabled, the OTC information will appear in the memo field on the QB invoice.
- Do Not Allow Amounts of Zero: Enable this setting if you want EBIS to exclude any W/O records with $0 totals from sending to QuickBooks.
Step 4 (Optional): Enter a Deposit Bank Account for OTC Returns.
If an OTC is processed and the customer needs to return all or part of the OTC invoice, an OTC Return Invoice is created within EBIS.
If the integration is enabled, you will need to have this field populated in order to push OTC Return Invoices to QBO. To update the Deposit Bank Account field:
- Go to Config > QuickBooks Config > OTC Tab.
- Click into an OTC Config Profile.
- Go to the Accounts section and enter in the relevant Bank Account number for OTC returns.
Step 5: Configure Miscellaneous Charges
To connect Miscellaneous Charges from EBIS to QBO:
- Go to Config > QuickBooks Config > OTC Tab.
- Click into an OTC Config Profile.
- Go to the Main section and click on the blue QB Item Configuration button.
- Ensure the Miscellaneous Fee and General Miscellaneous Charge items are connected to a QBO Product/Service (see screenshot below).
By default, Miscellaneous Charges will be pushed to QBO Invoices as a summed total.
The option to Individualize Miscellaneous Charges can be toggled on or off. If enabled, EBIS will send individual line items to QBO for each miscellaneous charge. To enable:
- Go to Config > QuickBooks Config > OTC Tab.
- Click into an OTC Config Profile.
- Go to the Options section and toggle on the Individualize Miscellaneous Charges setting.
- (Optional) Enter a Miscellaneous Charge Marker: a string (numbers and/or letters) to send these miscellaneous charges to QBO with a specific prefix to differentiate from other charges.
- Click Save.
- Go to QuickBooks Config > OTC Config Profile > Main and click on the blue QB Item Configuration button.
- Ensure the General Miscellaneous Charge item is connected to a QBO Product/Service item.
- You will now see all of the available Individual Miscellaneous Charge items rolled up underneath the General Miscellaneous Charge (see screenshot below).
- If this is the first time you are setting this up, you will see blue boxes around the Individual Misc. Charge rows under the QBO Product/Service column. This means EBIS does not see a QBO Product/Service that matches this name and one needs to be created, or the name of an existing Product/Service item must be changed to match the EBIS Line Item Classification name exactly.
- To automatically create and sync these QBO Product/Service items, click the blue Push button.
Note: The list of Miscellaneous Charges that appear on the QB Item Configuration page are populated by the list of Miscellaneous Charges and can be edited by going to Config > Admin > Lists > Main > Misc. Charges and Misc. Charges (City)
Step 5: Configure Tax Items
To send tax information from EBIS OTC Invoices to QuickBooks:
- Go to Config > QuickBooks Config > OTC Tab.
- Click into an OTC Config Profile.
- Go to the Tax section and toggle on the Enable Tax Items setting.
- Hit Save.
- Click the blue QB Item Configuration button and ensure the EBIS Calculated Tax and EBIS Calculated Usage items are connected to a QBO Product/Service item.
- If this is the first time you are setting this up, you will see blue boxes around the EBIS Calculated Tax and EBIS Calculated Usage rows under the QBO Product/Service column. This means EBIS does not see a QBO Product/Service that matches this name and one needs to be created, or the name of an existing Product/Service item must be changed to match the EBIS Line Item Classification name exactly.
- To automatically create and sync these QBO Product/Service items, click the blue Push button.
Step 6: Configure ACF Items
To send ACF (Airport Concession Fees) information from EBIS OTC Invoices to QuickBooks:
- Go to Config > QuickBooks Config > OTC Tab.
- Click into an OTC Config Profile.
- Go to the Tax section and toggle on the Enable Tax Items setting.
- Hit Save.
- Click the blue QB Item Configuration button and ensure the EBIS Calculated ACF item is connected to a QBO Product/Service item.
- If this is the first time you are setting this up, you will see blue boxes around the EBIS Calculated ACF row under the QBO Product/Service column. This means EBIS does not see a QBO Product/Service that matches this name and one needs to be created, or the name of an existing Product/Service item must be changed to match the EBIS Line Item Classification name exactly.
- To automatically create and sync these QBO Product/Service items, click the blue Push button.
Set a Config Profile as Default
When the QBO integration is enabled, any time a new Work Order, OTC or Purchase Order is created, EBIS will apply the Default Config Profile to that record.
If multiple Config Profiles have been created for any of the modules, the first one that you created will be assigned as the default.
To change the Default Config Profile:
- Go to Config > QuickBooks Config > OTC Tab.
- Click the hamburger menu in the top right and select Set Default and confirm.
Change the Config Profile Associated to an Open OTC Record
In order to change how a specific OTC record sends data from EBIS to QuickBooks, the QuickBooks Config Profile on that record must be changed.
To change the QuickBooks Config Profile on an open OTC record:
- Go to OTC Module > Invoices > List.
- Make sure the filter is set to "Open".
- Click into the open OTC.
- Go to Config & Billing > General > QuickBooks Config Profile and select a Config Profile from the dropdown.
- Click Save.
If you would like to review the settings of the Config Profile, click the pop out button to go directly to the selected Config Profile. If you need to create a new Config Profile, follow the steps at the top of this article.
Note: QuickBooks Config Profiles can only be changed on Open OTCs. If an OTC is in a Completed status, you will need to re-open the OTC to change the Config Profile.
Next Up: Setting Up Purchase Order Config Profiles
In Part 3.1 - 3.3, we do a deep dive on setting up QBO Config Profiles within EBIS, which allow users to set parameters on the exact data and format that gets pushed to QBO for Work Orders, OTCs, and Purchase Orders. If you have technical questions on how specific fields work, this is likely where you'll find the answers.
(Jump To) Article 3.1: Setting Up Work Order Config Profiles
(Jump To) Article 3.3: Setting Up Purchase Order Config Profiles