⚠️This section links to guides for exporting data from EBIS 5 to client-based Quickbooks Platforms (Desktop/Enterprise)
🔗Click Here for a guide to EBIS' integration with Quickbooks Online
If you're a QuickBooks Enterprise/Desktop user, EBIS 5 has built-in export features that work seamlessly with the QuickBooks Import tool, Transaction Pro 8. The Knowledgebase articles linked below will guide you through the configuration settings for EBIS exports and provide tips to help you get started with Transaction Pro 8.
🔗Click here to purchase Transaction Pro 8
Knowledge Base Articles
After purchasing a Transaction Pro Importer license, follow the steps in the knowledgebase links below to begin!
1 - Configure EBIS 5 to Export Data for QuickBooks with Transaction Pro
2 - Configurations in Transaction Pro for QuickBooks Import of EBIS 5 Data Files
3 - Export EBIS 5 Data for Upload to QuickBooks using Transaction Pro
4 - Importing EBIS 5 data to Quickbooks with Transaction Pro
🔗Download: TransactionPro template mapping files for EBIS 5 Exports