Outstanding Parts: Options that affect parts shown on screen (Cheatsheet)
There are various options that impact which work orders and items show on the Outstanding Parts screen
All City Options
- Outstanding Parts > Parts Options
- Show Only Owner Authorization "Yes" items: disabled by default (gray). If set, only items that are authorization "Yes" will appear.
- Outstanding Parts Delay: default is 0 minutes. Setting it to > 0 will cause a delay of x minutes.
- Work Orders > Defaults
- Item Status (Continued): items set as this status will not appear on the Outstanding Parts screen. Typically this value is "Continued".
- City cannot be inactive
- "W/O Start Work Date": make sure this is set to a date when users started using the system (nothing in the future)Main Info sidebar
User Access Options
- Users must have access to the city
- Work center limits currently do NOT apply
- Access levels:
- Outs. Parts:
- View Outstanding Parts Screen
- Deduct Inventory: needed to deduct from this screen
- See the additional options to allow for additional functionality
Work Order / OTC General Criteria
- Must be a work order, repair order, or OTC invoice and must be an "Open" status (not completed or void). Quotes will not appear.
- Part must not be already on a P/O
- For OTC invoices, qty needed includes parts that are backordered on a sub-invoice
- Qty Needed > Qty Used (the part cannot be fulfilled).