Useful Tags for Inserting / Editing Repetitive & Routinely Used Data Within the EBIS
For EBIS Tags you can use the following to indicate tags:
- [*WorkOrder*]
Markup Language
Markup language is a system that uses tags to define the structure and presentation of a document. Markup languages are used to indicate elements like headings, paragraphs, lists, images, and in the case of EBIS 5, data from relevant records of the open module.
Common Tags
Where can you use common tags? 🤔
• Discrepancies (Action Items Included)
• Corrective Actions (Action Items Included)
• Notes Sections (Action Items Included)
• Instructions Lists (WO, Log Book, PO, OTC, Etc)
New Line:
Headers: Largest > Smallest
<h1>HEADER 1</h1>
<h2>HEADER 2</h2>
<h3>HEADER 3</h3>
Subscript / Superscripts
Work Order / Repair Order Tags
Where can you use these tags? 🤔
• Instructions Lists (WO, RO, 8130, Log Book, Etc)
Company Name (Yours):
Work Order Number:
Registration / Tail Number:
Current Date:
Certification Number - Your Company's City Certification Number (i.e. Part 145):
Work Order Words
Repair Order Words
Customer Name (WO/RO):
Over The Counter Sales (OTC) Tags
Where can you use these tags? 🤔
• Instructions Lists (OTC, Etc)
Otc Invoice - Current OTC Number:
Otc Quote - Current OTC Quote Number:
Invoice Number - Current Invoice Number
Customer Name - Default Customer on the OTC
Purchase Order Tags
Where can you use these tags? 🤔
• Instructions Lists (PO, Etc)
Purchase Order Number:
Repair Order Customer:
FAA Authorization:
Removed From (A/C Reg/ Equipment):
Received By:
Inspected By:
Final Approval By:
Final Approval Date:
Aircraft Year:
Aircraft Make:
Aircraft Model:
Aircraft Serial Number:
Aircraft N Number/ Registration Number:
Work Status:
Accessory Unit:
Accessory Make:
Accessory Model:
Accessory Notes:
Accessory Part Number:
Accessory Revision:
Accessory Serial:
Cylinder Make:
Cylinder Model:
Cylinder Revision:
Cylinder Warranty Date:
Cylinder Part Number:
Cylinder Serial 1:
Cylinder Serial 2:
Cylinder Serial 3:
Cylinder Serial 4:
Cylinder Serial 5:
Cylinder Serial 6:
Engine Horsepower:
Engine Total Time:
Engine Tachometer Time:
Engine Time Since Overhaul:
Engine Hobbs Reading:
Engine Make:
Engine Model:
Engine Serial Left:
Engine Serial Right:
Engine Revision:
Engine Warranty Date:
Engine Cylinder Make:
Engine Cylinder Model:
Engine Cylinder Serial 1:
Engine Cylinder Serial 2:
Engine Cylinder Serial 3:
Engine Cylinder Serial 4:
Engine Cylinder Serial 5:
Engine Cylinder Serial 6:
Prop Make:
Prop Hub Model:
Prop Hub Serial:
Prop Revision:
Prop Blade Model:
Prop Blade Serial 1:
Prop Blade Serial 2:
Prop Blade Serial 3:
Prop Blade Serial 4:
Prop Blade Serial 5:
Prop Blade Serial 6:
Prop Part Number:
Example ✏️
Work Order Invoice Instructions Input:
<h3>[*CompanyName*] Instructions</h3>
<p>Aircraft <b>[*RegNum*]</b> and/or component(s) identified above were repaired and inspected in accordance with current maintenance rules of the Federal Aviation Regulations, and is approved for return to service. Pertinent details of this repair are on file here at <b>Repair Station [*CertificationNumber*]</b> under <b>Work Order No. [*WorkOrder*]</b> Dated <b><u>[*Date*]</b></u>.</p>
<b>Signature</b> : _____________________________________
<sub><i>(Signature of the authorized [*CompanyName*] representative)</i></sub>
Work Order Invoice Instructions Output: