EBIS 5: The Sandbox

Getting Started: Part 2 of 5

The Sandbox

Each EBIS user has their own sandbox: from here, users can learn how to navigate common screens in EBIS 5.  They can add, edit, rename, delete sample records, add/edit media, and learn how to perform advanced searches.

The Sandbox is unique in that it is NOT live data.  Whereas all of your other modules are live, and shared across your system (depending on user access), this sandbox is unique to the user.

Next up: Walkthroughs & Support

Next we will introduce you to the Walkthroughs & Support: from here you can view sessions meant to help walk you through various features in EBIS.  We will also introduce you where you can go for additional detailed support articles.

Learn more about Walkthroughs & Support (part 3 of 5)