Core / Rotable Tracking

Core / Rotable Management & Tracking


1. Core / Rotable Definitions

2. Configuration Prerequisites / Options

3. Master Part Record Setup

4. Core Creation

5. Work Orders / OTC Sales

6. Purchase Orders

7. Cores Record Tracking

8. Invoicing / Billing

Core / Rotable Definitions

Core - An unserviceable part removed from an aircraft, is known as the core. Cores are swapped for a replacement serviceable part in an exchange.

Core Value - The core value is the difference between the cost of ordering the part at exchange (EX) pricing and the outright or factory new (FN) / overhauled (OH) condition pricing.


Part #: 8080-160



FN - $50,000

OH - $40,000

EX - $22,500

Core Value: $40,000 - $22,500 = $17,500

Rotable - A part or component that can be repeatedly restored to a serviceable condition or a way of servicing equipment where a failed part is replaced by a previously repaired part.

Configuration Prerequisites / Options

Core Configuration Access -  Advanced Access User Profile Types Only.

Tech Level User Profile Types can only be assigned "View" Core Records Permission (Only Cores Permission Allowed)

⚠ Cores serviced on RO's cannot be issued to Inventory automatically. Those cores must be manually created within Master Parts

User Profiles (Permissions):

EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ > Admin: User Profiles > (Select an Advanced Access Profile Type) > Access Levels > Cores

All City:

EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ > Admin: All City Options > Cores: Options

Default Core Status for New Cores - Default Core Status for newly created Core Records. (See Lists - Core Status)

Core Misc. Charge (Over the Counter) - Default Miscellaneous Charge used for Cores on OTC Sales. (See Lists , Misc Charges, OTC Sales)

Core Misc. Charge (Work Orders) - Default Miscellaneous Charge used for Cores on Work Orders. (See Lists , Misc Charges, Work Orders)


EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ > Admin: Cities > Select a City's ⚙ Icon > Options > Cores: Options

Generate Core Records - If you want WO's, OTC's, & PO's from the selected City to generate Core Records within the Cores Module ( ), then you must enable this setting.


EBIS 5 Path 1: Config ⚙ > Admin: Lists > Main: Misc Charges
EBIS 5 Path 2: Config ⚙ > Admin: Lists > Main: Misc Charges (City)
EBIS 5 Path 3: Config ⚙ > Admin: Lists > Parts: Core Status

Misc Charges - Add Miscellaneous Charges related to Cores

Misc Charges (City) - Define Miscellaneous Charge City Applicability, Default Value, Taxability, Flag as ACF Charge, Auto Populate to WO's, & Auto Populate to RO's

Core Status - Add Core Record Statuses

Master Part Record Setup

Track Serial Number must be enabled for the S/N Components Tab to display in the Master Part's record. This setting is required to track the serialized parts' Certifying Documentation within attached media to the individual serialized parts.

In order to track Cores and streamline the process, you mustn't overlook the setup of the Master Parts record of the Cores. Ensure the key fields shown below are configured for Core / Rotable Parts:

1. Part Number: Rotable Part's #

2. Description: Rotable Part's Description

3. Track Serial Number: If this Rotable has a Serial # then toggle on (Most do but some don't)

4. Cost: Input the typical Exchange Price of the Rotable Part (This isn't a specific physical Qty but helps facilitate selling and Purchasing

5. Retail: Input the typical Retail Price of the Rotable Part (Normally this is your incurred cost + a certain % of Markup)

6. Has Core: If this Rotable Part has the potential to have Core Records / transactions then toggle on.

7. Core Charge: The total Core Value (Liability) while out to vendor that you would have to charge your customers up front or upon Vendor evaluation and deemed Beyond Economical Repair (BER) / Rejected.

8. Core Notes: Any applicable internal Core Notes.

Core Record Creation

Core Records can be created in the following ways:

1. Manually within the Cores section of the Master Parts Record

2. Manually within the Edit Part Screen on a WO or a OTC Sale

3. On a PO when the Core Record Information is Confirmed as "Has Core" and the part is received.


Work Orders & OTC Sales

Pro Tip:

Create an Add Part "Request Status" that signifies to purchasing / the parts room that the part that is being requested is to be ordered on exchange or a Core should be pulled from the Stock Room to satisfy the request. (i.e. Order on Exchange, Exchange)

EBIS 5 Path 1: Config ⚙ > Admin > Lists > Parts >  Outst. Parts Request Status


Go to an Open Work Order / OTC that has an Open Item that needs a Core / Rotable Part to satisfy the work being completed / resolved.

1. Select Add Part from the Menu & Add the Core / Rotable Part 

2. Input Qty Needed

3. Update Request Status

4. If applicable validate Price Info (This can be updated later as well)

5. Select Add & Close

(This Overhauled Core Replacement will be ordered on a PO next, CLICK HERE to see the PO portion of the process. Continue reading through steps 6-9 as this is after the PO is completed and the replacement is received)

WO / OTC Cores Continued

6. You will now see the PO the replacement was purchased on within the PO column while the parts tab is open. The part request status will be updated to fulfilled while reflecting the serial number of the replacement and the price should reflect any updates made since being purchased.

7. Double-Click Part Line Item within the Parts list to open the Edit Part screen on the WO / OTC (Don't Click the Part Number as that will take you to the Master Part Record)

8. Update any of the Install Info, Price Info, or Inspection Info that did not already get updated from the PO or the initial Part Request. You will see the majority of these fields pre-populated. You should only be mainly filling out the Install Info.

9. Take note that there is now a shortcut to the Part's Core Record in the top right-hand side of the Edit Part screen. That is where the rest of the Core Tracking process continues once the WO / OTC is closed.

10. Lastly, navigate to the Item Details tab of the Item to add the Part On / Part Off specific details to either the Corrective Action or Notes (If you want to show those details in the notes). Do this by clicking the Menu ☰ option next to the Corrective Action field, select Copy Part Info to Clipboard and paste it into the field of your choice & Save. This allow you to show the Part On / Part Off details within the Item on the printed Invoice.

(The WO / OTC portion of Core processes is completed, CLICK HERE to skip to the Core Record Tracking Section)

Purchase Orders

Below are the steps that define how to fulfill a Core Part Request by Ordering one on a PO.


1. Within the Outstanding Parts Module, find and select the Exchange Part Request to be added to a New or Existing PO.

2. Double-Click Part Line Item within Items Section to open the Edit Part screen (Don't Click the Part Number as that will take you to the Master Part Record)

3. Within the Edit Part screen validate / update the Core part price within the cost field, update dates, update tracking information and optionally create a line item note for the part to reflect on the PO the part is being ordered on exchange & Save.

4. Select Cores from the PO Sidebar, Validate "Has Core" is toggled on and the Core Charge is up to date then select Confirm.

5. Update PO Status to Ordered & then start the receiving process within Receiving in the Sidebar Menu

6. Update Inspection Related Information

7. Update Condition

8. Check QTY to process radio checkbox, input serial number and input Shipping/ Freight Charges on the inbound receipt.

9. Click Receive (this delivers the replacement to the WO / OTC)

10. Select S/N Components from the PO Sidebar

11. Select the + icon next to the left of the part line item and add part certifying documentation to the stock record for that serialized part.

12. Update the Status of the PO to Completed

(This Overhauled Core Replacement is received and the WO / OTC part needs to be finalized, CLICK HERE to jump back to the Work Order / OTC)

Cores Record Tracking

Open a Core Record any of the following places:

• Cores Module

• Master Parts' Cores Tab

• Core Record link from within the Edit Part screen of a WO or OTC



Updating the Core Record

EBIS 5 Path :  Cores > Select Core Record 


Most details will be pre filled out from either the WO / PO / OTC. But you can update / edit the specifics like City, Vendor, Customer, PO, Destination & Created Date with the proper permissions set. You may also keep notes within Vendor Notes, Customer Notes and Status Notes.

Part Details

Serial Number should be validated and Core Charge should be updated as needed as well as any internal notes or notes you want printed out on the Core Print Out report.

Sent Details

The Core Record Status dropdown list is the main field to update when tracking cores. Unless updated the status of every Core will start out as Open. So naturally the next step typically is sending out the Core to the Vendor & Updating the Sent Details Section & Save. 

Received Details 

If sending out Cores you own and maintain for reselling then here is where you would keep track of the return receipt after being shipped out.

Finalized Details 

When receiving the finalized invoice from the Vendor you must update the Status of the Core to either Credit, Partial Credit, Sold, Rejected or Void and you may fill out the finalization specifics. Once filled out the Core Record will be completed & locked.


Attach Media to the Core Record within the Media section of the Sidebar


There is a Core Printout available for Cores within the Reports section of the Sidebar

Invoicing / Billing

When charging a customer for an Over and Above Charge / Credit received after vendor evaluation you may do one of the following:

• Reopen / Reissue the Original WO/ OTC with updated amounts or new Item in reference to the charges / credits with only the remaining amount due.

• Issue a new WO or OTC with a Line Item that reflects the Vendor feedback and additional Charges / Credits.

PO's / WO's / OTC's will not be updated automatically with Core Record Updates / Credits / Charges