Certification Management

Configuring and Administering All City, City and User Certifications


1. Configuration Prep

2. Certification Usage

3. Configuring Certs

⚠ Config Requirements

4. Creating a City Cert 

⚠ Create Requirements

5. Creating a User Cert

6. Sorting | Filtering

Certificate Configuration Prep

Before creating a Certificate you must understand the different Record & Certification Types

Record Types

First, Certifications they fall into to one of the following 3 Record Types:

All Cities City User 

All Cities - The certification will be applicable to all created Cities (Typically informational only)

City - The certification will be applicable to specific Cities only

User - The certification will be applicable to specific Users, regardless of City

Certification Types

Record Types are then broken down into one of the 4 Certification Types

Certification | Training | Policy | Other

Certification - This type is typically used for:

City Record Types: - i.e. 145 Repair Station #, FAA # 

User Record Types:

FAA  i.e -  A&P, A&P IA

EASA i.e - A, B1, B2, C1

ANAC i.e - MMA Categoria A, B & C

Training - This type is typically used for:

User Record Types i.e. OJT, Internal Training

Policy - This type is typically used for:

All City | City | User Record Types: i.e. Substance Abuse, Overtime

Other - All City | City | User Record Types: Any 

Where are Certifications Used?

Certifications display on most Reports throughout the system. You will mainly see City Record Type Certs display in Report Headers & User Record Type Certs in a few Sign off locations. 

• City Record Type certifications will be used on the follow reports by default (some defaults can be edited):

 All Billing Reports • All General Reports  • All Parts Forms (Except Labels) • All Maintenance Reports • All Authorized Release Certificates • All Purchase Order Primary Reports • All OTC Billing & Traceability Reports • Customer Payment History • Scheduler Report 

User Record Type certifications can be used on the follow reports:

 Log Book Reports • Maintenance Printouts

All City Record Type certifications are informational only

Configuring Certification(s)

Certification User Access Requirements (Advanced Access Profile Type Only)

• View

View and track certifications, training
requirements, policies, and misc. items

• Add

Add certifications to the configuration, which are
then used by a city, user, or all city.

• Edit

Edit certification configurations

• Delete

Delete certification configurations

• Add & Edit Media

Add and edit media linked to a certification
configuration - normally used for tracking
requirements of the certification

• Delete Media

Delete media linked to a certification

EBIS 5 Path: Config ⚙ > Modules > Certifications

First See Certification Config Prep


✪ The Process of Configuring Certifications is the same for all Record Types

✔ Just ensure you review Config Prep above to understand the different configuration options

Steps (I will be creating a City Cert in this example)

1. Within the Config section of the Certification Modules' select (+), choose Record Type, Type (Certification), & Name then select Add & Goto


2. Add notes (optional), ensure the Display Template is set accordingly i.e FAA Cert: will display "FAA Cert:" as a verbiage prefix then will be automatically updated with the City Cert. No. once set up. By flagging the toggle switch as Internal Only will disable cert #'s created with this configuration from being shown on reports, Add any Media Files (Optional) then select Save.

☰ Menu within the top right is where you would delete the record

Creating City Certification(s)

Certification User Access Requirements (Advanced Access Profile Type Only)

• Items: Add & Edit

Add and edit specific certifications linked to a
user, city, or all city

• Items: Delete

Delete specific certifications linked to a user,
city, or all city

• Items: Media Add & Edit

Add and edit media linked to a specific
certification for a user, city, or all city

• Items: Media Delete

Delete media linked to a specific certification for
a user, city, or all city

First See Configuration

1. Within the City section of the Certification Modules' select (+) to add a new Certification for a City using the Configuration you just created. Enter: Certification,
City, Cert. No., Cert. Notes, Expiration Date, Expiration Notes and then select Add

⚠ Expiration Dates are for reference & will not be enforced

2. That's it, you've successfully created a City Certification. I will display on report  headers with the rest of the City Details.

✪ You can add City Cert media, edit info or delete by opening up the record within the City Section


Creating User Certification(s)

First see Config PrepConfiguration

1. Within the User section of the Certification Modules' select (+) to add a new Certification for a User using the Configuration you just created. Enter: Certification,
Certification, User, Cert. No.,Expiration Date, Expiration Notes and then select Add

⚠ Expiration Dates are for reference & will not be enforced

2. That's it, you've successfully created a User Certification. It will display on Log Book Report's Sign off Blocks when selected

✪ You can add User Cert media, edit info or delete by opening up the record within the User section

Sorting | Filtering

Configuration -

Sort & Filter By Record Types and/or Certification Types

Records - (All City, City)

Sort & FIlter By Record Types & Expiration


Sort & FIlter By Record Types , Expiration & Certification


See OJT Tracking Here