Disclaimers/Instructions on Printouts or Reports

How to manage statements on invoices, log books, packing slips, and other printouts/reports.

To add a new disclaimer or instruction to an EBIS printout or report, the disclaimer verbiage first needs to be added to Config. The disclaimer/instruction can be set as the default for that document in the City Options. If there is more than one instruction available for a specific document type, the default can be overridden using the report filters or log book settings.

Add a New Instruction or Statement Option

To add a new Statement/Disclaimer/Instruction to the list of options, from Config > Lists > Instructions, click the + in the top right of the section.

Add the new instruction/disclaimer by selecting the Type, City, descriptive Name, the disclaimer Info, and toggle on the Inactive button if this disclaimer should not be available in the dropdown of the report, and click Add or Add and Close.

Note: If statement is specific to only one city, select that location from the City dropdown. Otherwise, leave City blank to allow this statement to be used for all locations (Recommended).


Set Default Instructions by Document Type

To set default instructions at the city level, choose from the dropdown for each document type. (Config > Cities > (select the city) > Options > Options (under Instructions))


Override Default Instructions

From Reports, choose the ...with options version of the report. If more than one instruction/disclaimer is available for a specific document type, the default can be overridden using the report filters or log book settings.

Ex: Customer Estimate (With Options) Report with Override Estimate Instructions filter applied.

Ex: Log Book Statement

Create Blank Disclaimer/Instruction (Optional)

In case there is ever a scenario where no statement is needed on a report or printout, a blank statement can be added as an option. Create a new statement for each report type, give it an indicative name (Ex: Blank), and leave the Info field blank. When this Blank option is chosen as the statement, it will show no text/data on the report/printout.


See also: Log Book Labels